MR concerts vs Livestream concerts: Which is the best?

September 15, 2021

MR concerts vs Livestream concerts: Which is the best?

2020 and 2021 have witnessed a remarkable shift in the way music concerts are held. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual concerts became the new norm as physical concerts couldn't be held. Two options emerged as a substitute: Mixed Reality concerts (MR) and Livestream concerts. Choosing between MR concerts versus Livestream concerts has become a challenging decision for many music fans. Here, we will provide a factual comparison between the two.

MR Concerts

MR technology allows for a hybrid of virtual and physical concert attendance. MR concerts aim to create a more immersive and interactive experience for the audience. MR concerts use a combination of 3D visual and audio to create an environment that feels like a real concert. MR concerts allow the audience to engage with the artist in real-time, creating a more personalized and unique concert experience.

Advantages of MR concerts

  • Immersive experience: MR concerts are more immersive than Livestream concerts. MR concerts make the audience feel like they are at the concert.
  • Interactive: MR concerts are interactive, making it easier for the audience to engage with the artist. The audience can interact with the artist, the band, and other concert-goers.
  • Real-time audience engagement: MR concerts provide real-time audience engagement, allowing the audience to interact with the artist and each other in real-time.
  • Personalized experience: MR concerts provide an experience that is tailored to the audience's specific needs.

Disadvantages of MR concerts

  • Costly: MR concerts require expensive equipment and technology, making them a costly option.
  • Dependencies: MR concerts may face technical dependability problems, such as technological failure or internet problems, which can ruin the concert experience.

Livestream Concerts

Livestream concerts are online performances that the audience can watch from home. Livestream concerts aim to create an experience as close as possible to a real concert experience. Livestream concerts use streaming technology like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitch.

Advantages of Livestream concerts

  • Accessible: Livestream concerts allow music lovers worldwide to view concerts at a low cost or free of charge.
  • Less expensive: Livestream concerts are cheaper than MR concerts, as they require no technology or equipment.
  • Less Dependable: Livestream concerts are less dependable technology-wise, but the impact of technological failure is minor regarding MR technology.

Disadvantages of Livestream concerts

  • Lack of personalization: Livestream concerts are less personalized than MR concerts.
  • Lack of social interaction: Livestream concerts provide less interaction between attendees and the artist.


Statistics and numbers

Some numbers and statistics to compare between MR concerts and Livestream concerts are:

  • Attendees: MR concerts accommodate 100 - 500 attendees, while Livestream concerts can cater to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of attendees online.
  • Average cost: MR concerts can cost up to $250, while Livestream concerts cost around $30 or less.
  • Length: MR concerts run for one to two hours, while Livestream concerts last for about 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Technology: MR concerts requires sophisticated technologies and equipment, while Livestream concerts need only an online platform.


The choice between MR concerts versus Livestream concerts entirely depends on the individual's needs and circumstances. MR concerts provide a more immersive and interactive experience, while Livestream concerts are accessible and cost-effective. Therefore, both are valuable alternatives for music lovers to attend concerts.


  1. Mixed reality performance for a live music concert
  2. Livestream Concerts Surge During Coronavirus Outbreak
  3. MR Show Info And Cost

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